Commute Time Map is a cloud platform to calculate and visualize areas reachable by public transport and other means of transportation within given time. We help people to find optimal place to live, work or book an accommodation.

Find a place to stay or live
  • At affordable price
  • Short travel time to your points of interest
Location Analyse
  • Find a perfect place for a new retail shop
  • Check coverage of your retail network
  • Minimize travel time for your customers
Help you customer
  • Build commute time map to show coverage of your network
  • Show points of interest reachable from your location



Postal address
Pavel & Alfiya Tarasenko
Bgm.-Heinrich-Str. 6
86415 Mering, Deutschland

+49 173 8156678
+49 173 8159871

Travel time maps and location analytics for businesses and customers.

Our team

Pavel Tarasenko

CTO, experienced Java developer, performance and resilience architect.

Alfiya Tarasenko

CEO, experienced Java, JS and Angular developer. Agile process specialist.